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I’m definitely in the pre-grieving stage. I recognize that I will be gone for a year, and want to cherish the time I have left here.


I was talking with two of my TCK related friends the other day, and they shared a lot of wisdom. They suggested building a RAFT, just like I did when I left Taiwan and also when I finished university. Here is another helpful blog about building a RAFT

R- Reconciliation

A- Affirmation

F – Farewell 

T- Thinking Ahead

As I started building my raft in the middle of the summer, I began a bucket list for a way of saying farewell. I have also decided to take all of August off work. This will help me get rest before launch, savor the PNW, and open up my schedule for quality time with God, friends and family. My friends warned me that during this grieving process I will naturally become selfish, which I can definitely see. I have been trying to let the Lord plan my time, and not be holding tightly to my wants and desires. You can be praying for humility as I leave this area that I have put roots into. Thinking ahead to my destinations requires research, so I will continue that in August when I have more time. 


Packing up my room is also on my to do list. All my belongings will be stored for the year somewhere else. Taking down decorations is always the hardest part. I remember my hall in the dorms would gather to take down the decorations in the hallways as a way to grieve together. I’m not looking forward to seeing everything in boxes, but I am looking forward to downsizing!


My time at work is also winding down. Today is my last day at the retirement community, and it is bitter sweet. Work takes up a lot of my time, so I am happy to have more in August to spend. On the other hand, I have thoroughly enjoyed this community for the last year and have made many connections with staff, residents, and families. Makes me want to be retired 🙂 God has blessed me with this job. I am considering coming back to work here after the World Race because of the community. I will continue to bring this to the Lord. 


I have my initial flight booked!!!!!! Launch starts on August 27th, so I will be flying out to Georgia the evening of the 26th. All other flights from here on out will be done by the team at Adventures, so I don’t know the details.


I am more than 80% funded! Thank you to those who have given once or monthly. I am praying that the Lord blesses you for that sacrifice. 

Prayer Request:

  • Practicing humility as I cherish this last month in the States

  • Prioritizing time with the Lord, and solidifying habits of being in His word. 

  • Find joy in the Lord

  • God’s direction for after the Race


Not my will, but His,



5 responses to “Building a Raft”

  1. I’m inspired by your preparation and the sweet time you are taking to reflect before you leave! Looking forward to meeting you at launch 🙂

  2. It is definitely bittersweet to see you leave, we have all enjoyed working with you. You are a special person who brought a lot of cheerfulness and kindness to all who knew you. I am excited for the next steps you are taking in your life and I know that serving the Lord and helping others come to know Him is so important. Knowing the Lord brings so much joy and happiness to someone’s life. Good luck my sweet friend!!

  3. Wow you are extremely organized and have done the necessary prep work in a great way!! I admire your adventurousness in serving the Lord in such far away places!! Not sure how much you are allowed to share about what you will be doing. I will be eager to read your blog regularly!!Barb Nafziger

  4. Honestly, had never heard of RAFT before…what an awesome tool! Really sweet how you are being so intentional with the time left. Praying for humility, God’s got you!

  5. Sarah,
    So glad to reread your earlier blogs and this one too. Lord continue to bless you as you prepare to take off in a few nights. I look forward to your updates and praying for fruit in you and in people you get to love and share Him with.