
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Before I share why I’m going on the World Race, let me explain what it is. The World Race is an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries. Adventures in Missions sends 21-35 year olds on this specific trip twice a year, and I plan to leave in August 2022. Because of COVID, my group will only be going to about 4 or 5 countries (Guatemala, Jordan, an Eastern Europe hub, and Thailand), but that all can change 🙂 We will learn to be flexible! We are still sent to serve full-time for 11 months, so I’m excited to spend a little bit more time in each location if God allows. My squad of about 30 people will be split up into teams of 5-9 within the same country. We will then partner with established ministries or churches and serve alongside them. I’m not sure what the needs will specifically look like, but there are many opportunities.
Going on the World Race is an uncomfortable experience. I won’t be able to sleep in my familiar bed, go to familiar grocery stores, see my friends or family in person, understand everything spoken, or be surrounded by the beautiful pnw. However, I will be able to serve the Lord, which is what the Lord asks of us as His children. Specifically, full-time overseas ministry, which is what I want to pursue. The cultures God has created on earth are so beautiful, and I want to experience them in the context of inviting people into the Kingdom of God (Luke 10:8-9). There are so many people who don’t know about our Creator, Friend, and Savior, and I am willing to go with the Holy Spirit to share this good news. Everyone deserves to know that God has shown us grace and love by choosing to leave Heaven to break the power of sin (Eph 2:8-9; Rom 6:6-11). In the past when I’ve gone overseas or even when I’ve done full time ministry in my community, I have felt so alive. It is easy to see God at work when you make yourself available. My challenge now is to keep serving Him faithfully as I am working full-time and preparing for this adventure.
One of my goals of the World Race is to find a specific people group, location, or type of ministry to serve with once I finish. I have been asking God for a direction for a while now, and He has not clearly revealed anything. I could be fighting injustice, working with the unchurched, or caring for Christian workers. I do have the fear of committing to the ‘wrong’ ministry and feeling stuck while wanting to do something else. I have been praying that God would clearly lead me to where He wants me to go, even if it is to learn lessons along the way. You can join me in praying for peace, obedience, and clarity. Elizabeth Elliot says, “Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God’s story never ends with ‘ashes’.” I know I might be in a ministry and not see fruit, or experience lack of motivation or energy, but as long as I keep walking forward with the Lord, I will have peace where He has me (James 1:2-4). I want Him to be a part of each decision I make. The World Race has caught my eye since I heard about it in 2013, and now it is 7 months away! By going on the World Race, I will serve with many ministries in various contexts in hopes to find an area I am passionate about. 
I know I can’t do the World Race on my own. God created support systems and gave good examples of relationships. Jesus, Paul, and even the Levite priests didn’t choose to serve relying on their own support. There are people in the Church who are meant to be prayer warriors, be supportive through encouragement, or helpful in finances. I don’t plan on going by myself, that would be prideful. I want to give you the chance to participate in expanding God’s Kingdom with me. Thank you to those who have joined me in the past. I appreciated our connections and hope you were able to see God at work. If you feel called, I hope you will partner with me on this new adventure and in future ones wherever God leads me. 
Not my will, but His,

7 responses to “Why I’m going on the World Race”

  1. so excited to do the race together, and walk on this journey pursuing God’s Kingdom! Love hearing your heart, and excited to get to know you! Reach out in our group if you need anything, we’re willing to help. I’ll be praying for you on peace, obedience, and clarity.

  2. What an incredible adventure in God’s kingdom and this old world!! You will be in our hearts all the while.

  3. This sounds so exciting and challenging. We will be praying, confident of all God’s resources, power and love to be showered on you and the group.

  4. So cool to read your words of excitement, and your joy to share this journey with others. It truly is a community and a church that brings you through this Race! I am currently in my 11th month right now on the field, and I just want to encourage you in confidence that the Lord will grow you and spark passions within. Don’t spend time worrying over making the wrong decision, He will be with you and use both/and or either/or. Praying for clarity as He sparks your love for a specific culture, people group, or need.