Wake up, spend time with Jesus. Recently I’ve been letting God wake me up, and it’s stretching my faith! God knows my plans for the day and my REM cycle. Even during early flights or meetings, God wakes me up.
Eat breakfast.
Meet with teams and Center staff. We would debrief previous day of house visits and our well-being. I learned a lot from other team’s house visits that I could use on my visits. There are SO many testimonies.
Mini teams would then leave for house visit, walking or taxing around town. The Center has more than 900 families that are refugees registered. We got to visit the same families once a week to build relationships and share the gospel. Teams in the past tried to visit as many families as possible, but I enjoyed visiting families more than once.
At house visits, we would introduce ourselves, get to know the family who are refugees, chat about life and culture. We practiced lots of listening. We use a model called ‘I LOVE’. We as guests initiate, listen, offer, visualize, then engage the gospel. We don’t want to share random stories that they cannot relate to. During visits we practice listening well, then bring the gospel in with discernment from the Holy Spirit. The gospel is for everyone, not just Americans, or English speakers, or non-refugees. There were times I felt unworthy to give them any word of encouragement because I’ve never fled my country. “Who am I to give them hope?” But the gospel transcends all of us. The gospel is nothing from what I have done. Christ saving me was nothing of my own doing. Everyone has the chance to accept God’s free gift of salvation. God is the Creator, Sustainor, and Savior for all.
By this time we are usually back at the center hanging out or walking to get a cold snack. The cook will serve lunch and conversations continue. The cook shared that he always plans to cook for 10 more than expected because we never know who will join us for lunch.
Two more house visits in the afternoon! If the home is not available, teams stay back and intercede.
Technically the center closes at 5, but some teams get back from house visits very late. Interpreters will hang out for a bit, but eventually trickle out.
My team got individual meals on the street and would bring them together to have team time and feedback. Sometimes we would go out to a coffee shop to do these activities too. During this frirst month of new teams, we spent most of our team times sharing our testimonies. We also worshipped the Lord in many creative ways. All teams do feedback every day. We take time to explain how we saw each other looking like Jesus throughout the day and ways we could look more like Jesus.
By this time, teams are about done and some people are going to bed. Many nights I found myself in the main living room laughing, playing games, and most often watching a movie. We lived in the center with one other World Race team and also a YWAM team. Lots of community! Somehow as an introvert I never got burnt out from being around people. Praise the Lord. I really enjoyed getting to know the Y team and the locals serving at the Center. The community was so healthy and encouraging. From the beginning of the very first day, everyone said we were joining the family, and it was true.
Thank you for joining me for a typical day in the Middle East!
not my will, but His,
Sarah, this is so cool. And encouraging! The Gospel really does transcend all of us! He is so much bigger! What a good Father.
A day in the ME didn’t seem to be hurried but it sure sounded intense! Learning from others and making adjustments as you all go. It would have been fun to have been with you there as well. You have learned so much! I hope to learn from you as i get the chances.
Hi Sarah,
What special and memorable times you are having, and probably some lifelong friendships being forged through the shared experiences of doing life and evangelism together this year!
Praying for discernment as you go forward seeking to do His will. Romans 12: 1
In Him, Joan.